Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2009

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away ~


I picked up a stranger from the train station yesterday, she was recommended by a friend, thought she could help me "organize" ~
On the ride back to the house I found out she had lost her child as well ~ she is a wonderful woman my age from Nigeria ~ we organized, cleaned, scrubbed and shared memories as I put my son's belongings to rest.
He now has clean sheets, a television that works; so that if he ever decides to visit he shall be comfortable ~
Rest well my son ~ you were and always will be my yesterday!

"You always choose to stay
I should be thankful for every day
Heaven knows what the future holds
Or at least how the story goes
I never believed until now
I know I'll see you again I'm sure
No it's not selfish to ask for more
One more night one more day
One more smile on your face
But they can't take yesterday"

Leona Lewis
Yesterday lyrics

Sunday, October 26, 2008

You have to read this to believe this ~

Such a sad thing that is happening today in our world and it has come down to this ~

It is so hard to make ends meet as it is - when I went to Dr. Keller blogspot and read his post it struck a cord please read the following post on his blog it is so sad ~

The senior citizens of our country are selling their cemetery plots.
What is this telling us?
What is this tell our children?
That we will have nothing left when we become old?

All we have worked hard for in our lives will be gone, the money, our homes, our financial future. What can we do?

I don't have a cemetery plot, I have nothing left, it was all spent to be able to survive. I can only rely on the government to help me, are they going to when I grow old?