Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Hug Certificate for You!


A Hug Certificate for You!
If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
And share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue.

If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own;
A place to find serenity,
A place to be alone.

If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea,
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me.

I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best,
A friend who's always there.

This is a Hug Certificate!!

Send One to All Your Friends Who You Think Deserve A Hug
(Which, Hopefully Includes the Person Who Sent It to You).

You might send it to your enemies as well!
It'll really tic 'em off!

If you receive this back 2 times . You're off to a good start,
Unless you sent it to yourself. That's cheating!
If you receive this back 3 times. You're a good friend.

If you receive this back 4 times
..... You are popular I wanna be just like you.
If you are busy or do not forward items, I understand,
you are still my good friend.

If you receive this back 5 times or more,
There are angels watching over you..

Life is a coin, you can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

She doesn't know it ~

She needs me just as I need her ~ 

Time has been lost and we need to catch up ~
Stop the text messages!
~ I can't text as fast as I type ~ ugg


I love you sweetheart - ma!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Laugher, Hope, Healing

"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dream are more powerful that fact - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death"
Robert Fulghum

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Words of Comfort ~

You don't just know what to say do you? Trust me I totally understand this - but let me give you a few tips that may help you comfort not just me; but anyone in the same situation.

It is inevitable that during your life time, you will have a loved one die, it is the truth.
This is a fact!

Let's just hope it is not your child.

As I help you I help myself my experience and journey.

  1. Don't ignore the situation or change the subject. Tell me the truth, tell me how you feel.
  2. Ask me how I am feeling today.
  3. Don't compare the death of a person to the death of a pet.
  4. JUST DON'T compare at all. - it's doesn't fit the situation at hand.
  5. Try to answer my questions, if you don't have an answer, don't make one up just say "I don't know." I will understand.
  6. Don't ask me a million questions - unless I want you to. Believe me I will tell you.
  7. Invite me to do fun things. (I think you can figure this one out!)
  8. Stay with me quietly when I am sad or feeling lonesome ~
  9. Don't watch the calendar to see how fast I am grieving. That calendar you are watching does not exist!
  10. Understand this never goes away, send me a hug via email, poke me on face book. If you happen to stop by just give me a hug.
  11. Sometimes, the fact that you know others just think about you makes you get through the day!

That's my story today, and I am sticking to it!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Grief 4 Today ~

We all grieve differently
Some grieve quietly
Solemn in their grief not wanting
To show their pain
While some are loud
Letting the pain out for all to see and then beginning
The long battle of healing
Some hold their grief in for so long
That eventually it eats at them
Causing them to misdirect it
In different ways unknowingly pointing
The pain of loss toward others not wanting of it or deserving
When instead they should be letting go and moving on

Grief is not a friend

For it makes one angry, sad, exhausted, and confused
Grief is an unwanted guest for it stays for a long, long, time
Seemingly never wanting to leave
Once in a while it will allow some peace but for only a brief time span
It would rather curl it’s black tentacles around and keep you in it’s grip forever

And then one day you realize you are starting to feel a little better
As the seasons change so do we
In time we shall heal
You start to get back into your routine and realize grief is finally
Packing up to end it’s long overstayed visit
For it was a long process this visit from grief
Each day gets a little better
Keep on moving
Stay busy
One day, Grief is finally gone
Until the next time it is required to visit again

Stephanie J. DeMartino ~ author

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Believe In Miracle's

"The beginning of wisdom is calling things by their name"

Friday, February 1, 2008

I feel hopeless~

A very wise friend of my gave me some very profound advice ~

"Learning and talking is self-therapy. When pain is put out into the weave of the world it gets absorbed by others and that allows you to heal!!"

Although the title to this post refers to me feeling hopeless ~ I have knowledge, I have confirmation. I shall never have to wonder how~

I received the official report from the Coroner's Office yesterday ~
Jonathan's death was ruled as a "homicide" an overdose of dirty drugs ~
Jon's mind, body, & spirit were that of a healthy man.

I would like to reiterate the fact ~ "Knowledge is Power" ~

Read, Learn & Educate yourselves ~ our younger generation's world.

It is and never will be the same again. I shall heal ~ I have faith in myself.